Advanced Television

Online video tipped for explosive growth

August 15, 2008

Purchased/rented videos are expected to offer the most robust growth for online video in the near term, in large part due to an increase in subscription services such as Netflix, which charges a flat monthly fee to deliver an optimal combination of packaged goods and online content that can be viewed on home TV sets. Ad-supported professional video from major TV networks will become a strong revenue contributor by 2012.

“What is now seen as a predominantly younger pastime will spread to encompass a wider group of people, in part due to the ageing of current online video viewers, but also as a result of word of mouth, spread of services, growth of in-home networks, and new network-connected consumer electronic devices,” commented Gerry Kaufhold, In-Stat analyst. He suggested that data indicated that over half of consumers actually still prefer packaged goods, which bodes well for Blu-ray discs. "Surprisingly, younger people who regularly watch online were the group that expressed the highest interest in owning a package goods bundle that includes artwork and extra content,” he said.

Other findings indicated that by 2012, 39 per cent of adults in the US are expected to have purchased or rented online video; 54 per cent of respondents still favour physical discs when purchasing movies or TV shows; by 2012, 90 per cent of US households will have access to broadband, with 94 per cent of these individuals

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