Advanced Television

Apple iTV on test in Canada

February 7, 2012

Two Canadian network operators, Rogers and Bell, are reported to be testing out Apple iTV in their labs. The Globe and Mail says of Apple: “They’re looking for a partner. They’re looking for someone with wireless and broadband capabilities.”

The paper is also claiming that iTV will have SIri voice-recognition onboard to “help viewers make programming choices”. “Viewers can then control the TV by voice or hand gestures, all from the comfort of a couch. An on-screen keyboard, meanwhile, can also be activated in a similar manner, allowing viewers to surf the web, conduct video chats and use social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook – all without any physical interface.”

The newspaper says the operators are both in talks to be Apple’s launch partner in Canada.

Categories: Articles, Connected TV, IPTV, OTT, Test & Monitor