Italian digital TV channels create association
October 16, 2007
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Eight Italian satellite TV companies have set up the Association of Independent Digital Television Channels (ADTI) in Rome.
The association is open to all independent Italian media groups that transmit at least one channel in Italy on any distribution platform. The founding members operate a total of 25 digital TV channels aired via the Sky Italia pay-TV platform. They are AXN/Sony Group (1 channel), Digicast (5), Discovery (6), Jetix (3), NBC Universal (1), Turner (4), Viacom (2), Walt Disney (4). The only major Italian channel producer that is not a member of ADTI is Sitcom.
Francesco Nespega from Jetix has been named as President of ADTI, while the Vice Presidents are Gianluca Paladini (Digicast), Andrea Castellari, (Discovery), Luca Marcucci (Universal) and Giorgio Stock (Disney).