Sky Italia up to $4.43m in profit turnaround
February 6, 2008
Branislav Pekic from Rome
Sky Italia has closed the second quarter with an operative profit of $62 million, an increase of $74 million in comparison to the loss of $12 million registered in the same period last year.
The positive result was mostly due to the increase of subscribers, with more than 400,000 new subscribers signing up during the past 12 months. As a result, the total number of clients grew to 4.43 million units.
The Italian DTH platform has very much broken the RAI-Mediaset “duopoly” on TV revenues during 2007. Although definite figures have yet to be published, Sky Italia had been projecting to close the year with a 12 per cent growth in revenues to E2.5 billion, with 86 per cent coming from subscriptions and only 14 per cent from advertising. For its part, public broadcaster RAI closed 2007 with E2.96 billion in revenues (52 per cent coming from the TV license fee), while commercial rival Mediaset's ended the year with E2.83 billion (85 per cent from advertising).