Rai Quattro to launch in June
March 20, 2008
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Italian public broadcaster RAI is to launch a dedicated channel for teenagers on digital terrestrial and satellite by the end of June. RaiSat director, Carlo Freccero, said that Rai Quattro will be the “iPod of RAI viewers”. He added that the programme schedule has already been defined, but that the financials still had to be concluded. The new channel will be dedicated to “metropolitan culture” – i.e. TV series from the USA and Italy, cartoons, musical as well as interactive programmes. RAI has earmarked E4 million for the first six months.
Meanwhile, all of RaiSat's thematic satellite channels have registered a significant growth in audience figures. From April 2007 to February 2008, Rai Sat Cinema has seen an increase of 48 per cent, Extra by 20 per cent, Premium by 8 per cent, Rai Sat Sport by 65 per cent and Rai News 24 by 15 per cent. RAI is targeting E6 million in revenues in 2008 for its three pay-TV channels (Cinema, Extra and Premium).