Cabovisäo to launch digital platform
May 5, 2008
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Portuguese cable operator Cabovisäo will launch its digital platform at the beginning of May.
The new service will permit clients to select the moment when to watch their favourite programs, higher audio and video quality as well as internet access functions and game consoles that can be accessed via the remote control. The Cabovisäo Digital package will provide more than 80 TV channels for E28.99 a month.
During the promotional period, the triple-play operator will offer new clients three months free viewing of the Sport TV channel, which coincides with the Euro 2008 and Beijing Olympic Games. Those acquiring the triple-play package will get an additional E10 discount during nine months.
Portugal’s second largest cable operator, Cabovisäo, is owned by Canada’s Cogeco Cable and has a total of 712,544 customers (301,660 for the basic cable service).