Global Internet adspend $106bn+ in 2011
June 27, 2008
Worldwide spending on Internet advertising will total $65.2 billion in 2008, which represents nearly 10 per cent of all ad spending across all media. With IDC’s Digital Marketplace Model and Forecast projecting 15-20 per cent annual growth throughout the forecast period, this share will reach 13.6 per cent by 2011 as Internet ad spending grows to $106.6 billion worldwide.
“Compared to more mature types of advertising, Internet advertising is growing at a phenomenal rate,” said John Gantz, chief research officer at IDC. “But Internet advertising is still relatively new and growing from a much smaller base. By the end of the forecast period, spending for Internet advertising will trail direct mail – the third largest form of advertising – by more than $30 billion, while spending on TV and print ads will each be nearly twice as great as for online ads. The long-term opportunity for Internet advertising can be seen in the disparity between per capita spending. Total advertising revenues equate to more than $105 per inhabitant of the planet, while Internet advertising revenues are less than $50 per active Internet user.”