Microsoft aligns with Facebook
July 28, 2008
Microsoft predicted continued heavy costs from its attempt to go head-to-head with Google and has announced an online search alliance with Facebook, as it tried to convince Wall Street that it could recover from a failed bid for Yahoo. Microsoft predicted continued heavy costs from its attempt to go head-to-head with Google and has announced an online search alliance with Facebook, as it tried to convince Wall Street that it could recover from a failed bid for Yahoo.
Display advertising provided by Microsoft is already expected to account for a big chunk of Facebook’s sales this year forecast to rise to about $350 million this year, up from about $150 million last year.
Attracting a higher volume of search traffic would boost the effectiveness of Microsoft’s search technology and help it deliver more relevant adverts to users â€" one of the things it hoped to gain from a Yahoo deal, said Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive at Microsoft. Facebook stressed that the deal was at an early stage and that details of how Microsoft search would be integrated into the Facebook site had yet to be decided.
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