Congress slams FCC chairman
December 10, 2008
Deception and Distrust: The Federal Communications Commission Under Chairman Kevin Martin" is the unsubtle title of a new report from the House Energy & Commerce Committee’s Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee.
The report concluded, among other things, that the outcome of an la carte cable report–reversing findings of a previous report–was predetermined and dictated by the chairman, and that the chairman manipulated findings in a video competition report–yet to be released–that would have triggered re-regulation of cable.
The cable industry has argued that Martin has it in for the industry, while the chairman has countered he is merely seeking regulatory parity, more consumer choice, and lower cable bills.
"Any of these findings, individually, are cause for concern," said Dingell. "Together, the findings suggest that, in recent years, the FCC has operated in a dysfunctional manner and Commission business has suffered as a result. It is my hope that the new FCC Chairman will find this report instructive and that it will prove useful in helping the Commission avoid making the same mistakes."