US online viewing nears 10bn
April 14, 2009
Online video data for March 2009 compiled by Nielsen Online indicates that nearly 10 million streams were viewed. The total of 9.67 billion represented an 8.7 per cent increase compared to March 2008. Unique viewers were up 1.9 per cent at 130 million, with each viewer averaging 74.4 streams, an increase of 6.7 per cent. The time per Viewer averaged 190.7 minutes, up 12.6 per cent.
The top online Brands ranked by Video Streams saw YouTube head the table, notching up 5.4 billion Total Streams, with 89.4 million Unique Viewers. hulu trails behind (348.5 million/8.9 million), with Fox Interactive Media the first of the broadcaster sites (207.5 million/14.7 million).