BitTorrent still dominant in P2P
May 15, 2009
BitTorrent has extended its dominance as the most popular file sharing application for unauthorised content, and while infringements in the US have dropped, Spain, Italy and France have surged, according to an annual report on digital piracy issued by BayTSP.
The report is based on cumulative data from all of BayTSP's clients, which include movie studios, sports franchises, pay-per-view broadcasters, record labels, software companies, video-game developers and the publishing industry.
"BitTorrent and eDonkey are optimised for large file distribution and, despite the growing popularity of streaming video, are still where the majority of copyright infringement takes place," said BayTSP CEO Mark Ishikawa. "The US, which topped the list of countries with the most infringements in 2007, dropped to No. 4 behind Spain, Italy and France."
US Internet service providers Comcast, AT&T and Road Runner each had more than one million infringements of client content in 2008 while all of the top 10 international ISPs – including Telefonica De Espana (Spain), Telecom Italia (Italy) and France Telecom – had more than two million identified infringements each.