Comedy tops mobile video categories
June 3, 2009
US viewers are looking for laughs on their iPhones and Blackberrys, according to a study from the Nielsen. Comedy is the top category in mobile video viewing, says the Mobile Video Report, a quarterly study that measures mobile subscribers who view TV or video clips on their mobile phones, Blackberrys and other mobile devices.
Drawing from a sample of 3,348 viewers, the report finds that after comedy, weather ranked as the second highest video category, with sports, music and news/finance filling out the top five.
NBC took the top spot in the brand ranking (with a 40.1 per cent share of viewers), followed by Fox (38.3 per cent) and MTV Networks (32.9 per cent). YouTube ranked fourth in the brand rankings, but came in at the top of the channel rankings (29.4 per cent), followed by the Weather Channel (28.9 per cent), Fox (27.2 per cent) and Comedy Central (25.8 per cent).