Ofcom will consider net neutrality
May 20, 2010
From Colin Mann in London
UK regulator Ofcom has said it will address net neutrality in the coming months describing the issue as of 'significant resonance' in the era of digital deregulation.
Ofcom board member Tim Gardam, now an academic but former C4 programme director, told the Broadcasting and Beyond conference “it is becoming increasingly apparent that a debate is necessary on the topic.”
“There has been disruption caused by new business models with rights holders seeking to deliver direct to consumers. Matters that need discussing include whether there should be regulation of tools that network operators can employ to manage their relationship with users of content, and assessment of technologies now available to manage traffic.”
Gardam made a point of stressing that Ofcom was not a policy body and such consultation would be used to generate recommendations that Government may or may not choose to make policy. This marks a rowing a back from previous Ofcom regimes which have acted more as though both rule makers and enforcers.