Online and mobile video set to eclipse TV
May 31, 2010
Online video consumption amongst younger age groups has now grown to the point that it looks set to overtake traditional television as the platform of choice.
The results of the YouGov online research, commissioned by RealNetworks, have revealed that amongst 18 to 25 year olds, roughly half (46 per cent) split their video time at least equally between computer and traditional TV platforms and for around a third (32 per cent), a computer is now the preferred platform. Older age groups still show a preference for traditional TV services but even amongst the 36-45s a significant proportion (20 per cent) are confirmed computer fans, spending at least 50 per cent of their video viewing time on a computer.
“The research data confirms a trend that the industry has seen for some time now but the speed of change is surprising, even for those of us directly involved in online video,” said Marili ‘t Hooft-Bolle, Managing Director Consumer EMEA for RealNetworks. “It's still early days for online video but as each year passes the quality and breadth of online video content increases dramatically and the tools to access, manage, share and consume the content grow ever more sophisticated.”