Video On Demand
August 29, 2010
On demand is now a fixture for any multichannel provider and it is more popular than ever, but is it any closer to making to money?
Video on Demand has been around almost as long as pay-television and many millions have been invested in its delivery technology and its marketing. Today, widespread broadband access and the broadcaster’s enthusiasm to exploit the ‘long tail’, combined with the audience’s appetite for convenience has seen on-demand usage explode but monetising the service for the platform provider and the content provider has proved elusive.
The Advanced Television Academy brought together five senior executives from the segment to debate where the market stands today and to sketch out some roadmaps to on demand revenue and profit.
Jobst Mühlbach, ARRIS International
Marc Latouche, Cisco
Edward Allfrey, Ericsson TV
Olivier Wellmann, Open TV
Noureddine Hamdane, Viaccess.
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