Advanced Television music service for connected TV

December 10, 2010

From Branislav Pekic in Rome

TV-connected software production company TVBlob and digital entertainment provider Dada have launched the music service on the Hybrid BLOBbox from TeleSystem.

Subscribers to the web/mobile music subscription service can now access millions of music tracks from major and independent labels via their TV sets. Users pay E4.99 per month for unlimited online streaming and download.

The Hybrid BLOBbox is an all-in-one product, combining digital TV, video recording, media player, Internet streaming, podcasting, in Full HD. It features a dual tuner, interactive guide, as well as on-demand and broadband access to multibrand content and services such as Web TV, Web radio, weather and news.

The multimedia box supports all popular formats, including MP4 and MKV, as well as VOD through Flash streaming, Microsoft SmoothStreaming and BitTorrent downloads. It can play shared content from the PC (DLNA) and exchange it between TV and home computers. The BLOBbox is based on the Linux operating system and web languages HTML and JavaScript.

Categories: Articles, Digital Radio