Ofcom: Pay-TV and super-fast broadband priorities
January 7, 2011
A draft Annual Plan published for consultation by Ofcom has revealed that pay-TV and super-fast broadband are among the UK comms regulator’s priorities for 2011/12.
Ofcom’s proposed priorities include: Promote effective and sustainable competition. This includes ensuring fair and effective competition in the delivery of pay-TV services and promoting competition and investment in super-fast broadband.
Ofcom will also promote the efficient use of public assets. This includes the release of prime chunks of spectrum and safeguarding the necessary frequencies for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Another priority is to provide appropriate assurance to audiences on standards. This includes streamlining the broadcasting standards procedures and considering new regulatory approaches to content regulation.
Ofcom will also contribute to and implement public policy defined by Parliament. This includes preparing to take over the regulation of postal services, implementing the provisions around online copyright infringement and preparing to report to the Government on the licensing arrangements for Channel 3 and 5 when the current licences expire in 2014.