Nielsen launches online VideoCensus
May 20, 2011
Nielsen has launched VideoCensus, a tool to measure the performance online video. VideoCensus allows media owners and advertisers to measure the size and demographic composition of audiences viewing video online, across the web and for specific sites. It also produces metrics like the total number of videos viewed and the average time people spend doing this.
The newly available data shows that 26.9m people in the UK viewed streamed video from home and work computers in April 2011. It also shows that YouTube is the most-popular site for watching video content, with 19.5 million unique UK viewers last month, followed by the BBC website (9.1m), VEVO (5.3m) and Facebook (4.4m).
Accredited by UKOM—the UK Online Measurement company run by the AOP and IAB, with oversight from ISBA and the IPA, VideoCensus will become the UK’s industry-approved product for online video measurement from July 2011 onwards.