Spectrum solution could generate €54bn for EU economy
June 14, 2011
A study published in the wake of the European Parliament Resolution shows significant benefits could flow from use of 1.4 GHz band for a supplemental mobile downlink for enhanced multi-media and broadband services
There could be up to eight times as much data being downloaded than is being uploaded in mobile networks. And this imbalance will only grow, as rich mobile content is increasingly made available and as consumer demand continues to soar. A regulatory innovation, the use of the 1.4 GHz band as a supplemental downlink band for mobile applications, is shown to drastically ease capacity, to enable considerably higher user data rates, to substantially enhance the user experience and to provide significant economic benefits.
A study by Plum Consulting shows that using the 1.4 GHz band (i.e. 1452-1492 MHz also called 1.5 GHz by the European Parliament or the L-band by the CEPT) for terrestrial supplemental mobile downlink would:
– generate a net present value for Europe of as much as €54 billion over a 10 year period
– substantially enhance user experience through faster download speeds, fostering content and access competition and innovation;
– aid mobile broadband roll-out by enabling a far greater number of users;
– give Europe an early opportunity given the possibility for 1.4 GHz supplemental downlink deployment in the Middle East, Africa, Canada, as well as Central and South America.
A full copy of the report and executive summary is available at www.plumconsulting.co.uk