SeaChange unveils next-gen RS-DVR
June 16, 2011
SeaChange International has announced its next generation Remote Storage DVR (RS-DVR) network solution that reduces video operators’ capex and simplifies multi-room DVR. The solution can supplant STB DVR services at roughly 20 per cent of the typical cost incurred by operators to equip and maintain a DVR subscriber.
The SeaChange RS-DVR solution is available today for existing SeaChange Axiom VoD back office installations with deployed set-top box technologies, including SeaChange VODlink and for the Adrenalin multi-screen back office with current and next-generation clients, including the new multi-screen client SeaChange Nitro. With Adrenalin and Nitro, SeaChange supplies a new level of integrated, personalised entertainment experience that extends beyond STBs to devices including smart phones, tablets, and PCs.