Advanced Television

Media Broadcast oversees DVB-T2 trials in Singapore

June 20, 2011

Media Broadcast, a company of the TDF Group and a European service provider to the broadcast and media industry, has been selected by the Media Development Authority of Singapore (MDA) to conduct a DVB-T2 technical trial in the city state. This technical trial sets the groundwork to enable free-to-air digital terrestrial TV reception using the trendsetting DVB-T2 standard. The consultancy study in Singapore is a significant part of Media Broadcast’s strategy to develop relevant markets in Southeast Asia and to leverage its comprehensive DVB-T2 expertise.

Media Broadcast will provide technical consultancy to design and manage the technical trial for deriving the suitable T2 transmission modes and technical parameters. From the beginning of August 2011, Media Broadcast will run a comprehensive trial together with local broadcasters, analysing the quality of in-house, outdoor and mobile reception to define a best-fit specification of the planned T2 network design.


Categories: Articles, Broadcast, DTT/DSO, Standards, Test & Monitor