Advanced Television

LG says 80% of consumers prefer its passive 3D

July 1, 2011

An LG-commissioned study reveals the vast majority of consumers don’t want expensive active-shutter 3D TVs. The survey found that 80 per cent of respondents preferred the overall 3D experience of LG’s “Cinema 3D” technology over Samsung’s active 3D. The study was done by a third party called Morpane.

During the survey, respondents watched clips on an LG 3D TV and a Samsung 3D TV and then were asked which one they prefer in a handful of categories: Overall 3D experience, 3D picture quality, 3D effect and 3D glasses. In every category, consumers chose LG as their preferred choice, with 77 per cent – 80 per cent of respondents choosing it over Samsung.

Samsung’s Smart TV connected service has launched its 3D VoD service across Europe having already made announcements in UK and France.

Categories: Articles, Consumer Behaviour, Equipment, Research, UHD