Netgem cloud solution
July 6, 2011
Netgem its new software solution, the @Cloud. This innovation enables operators to meet customers’ demand for a simple and consistent access to all content, including live TV and video on demand, from any connected device within the home. Monaco Telecom, Netgem’s partner in innovation, will be the first to deploy this new offer.
Taking into account tablets, PCs, smartphones and flat screen TVs, the average number of screen per household in France is now close to six. The growth in the number of connected screens in homes yields greater content consumption, but higher consumer frustration due to the usage complexity and lack of consistency across devices. The @Cloud is a software suite bringing the cloud into the home by transforming the Set-top box into a multimedia server and connected devices into clients. This hybrid solution leverages the power or the cloud while giving the end-user full control over his or her content through local storage and management.