Creative America coalition to fight piracy
July 7, 2011
A new coalition has been created by the major movie studios, TV networks, entertainment guilds and the MPAA to fight piracy, protect jobs and creative works.
The creation of Creative America describes itself as a “grassroots organisation” that will provide a unified voice for two million Americans whose jobs are supported by movies and TV, as well as others in creative fields who believe that halting the looting of America’s creative works and protecting jobs must be a national priority.”
The members of the new coalition are AFTRA, CBS, the DGA, IATSE International, NBC Universal, SAG, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Twentieth Century Fox, Viacom, the Walt Disney Company, Warner Bros. Entertainment and the MPAA.
Creative America is meant to provide a place where members of the industry and creative community can learn more about the impact of the theft of intellectual property on their jobs and industry. It is also designed to help rally support for passage of legislation now before Congress to fight content theft, especially the Protect IP Act, which combats foreign trafficking in stolen movies TV shows and other forms of intellectual property.
The group has a website at