Eyepartner tracks IPTV viewership and ratings
August 31, 2011
Eyepartner has rolled out its Advanced Analytics Module that helps network owners track the viewing behaviour of their IPTV users. Knowing this information helps network owners tailor their content offering as well as their marketing and pricing strategy to their viewers‚ preferences.
The Advanced Analytics module can be integrated into any IPTV network or embedded player to help network owners track the number of views and length of time per viewer. The module also provides detailed information regarding how long a viewer watched a programme and how much bandwidth was used by the event, video, or channel. Determining the peak viewing days and times helps increase network efficiency. Other types of data recorded include statistics by continent, country, state, and city to help geographically streamline content.
“The Advanced Analytics module features comprehensive IP mapping that allows network owners to pinpoint every viewer in the world,” said Tim Green, founder and CEO of Eyepartner. “This helps network owners know exactly what their viewers want to watch and deliver that content to them.”