High demand for xDSL testing
September 23, 2011
The spike in demand for IPTV and broadband-based video service is a major factor spearheading growth in the world xDSL test equipment market. High bandwidth requirements for IPTV and customers’ higher expectations of service uptime are forcing service providers to purchase the latest test equipment and service monitoring tools.
Analysis from Frost & Sullivan finds that the market earned revenues of $279.0 million in 2010 and estimates this to reach $545.7 million in 2016.
“Simple DSL metrics are no longer sufficient to support QoE, which has resulted in an upsurge in demand for multilayer test equipment capable of testing the triple play architecture (voice, video and data) in real-time,” says Frost & Sullivan Senior Research Analyst Srihari Padmanabhan. “Due to heavy competition in the service provider segment, QoE and QoS in the broadband service market will assume great importance in the future and enable growth in the xDSL test equipment market.”