More Canadians have HDTVs than HD STBs
November 14, 2011
CTAM Canada has released research that shows HDTV set top box ownership has not kept pace with the high level of growth in HDTV ownership.
One key finding is that HDTV set ownership has increased to 58 per cent, however the purchase or rental of an HDTV Set Top box lags behind at 26 per cent.
While an overwhelming number of HD users claim HD has improved their viewing experience, considerable confusion remains regarding the features and benefits of HDTV.
Less than half of the respondents were able to correctly identify whether any given statement about HDTV features was true or false; for example there was a decrease from 2010 in those correctly thinking that special equipment (an HD set top box) is required to see HDTV programming. The results illustrate the value of educating consumers about accessing HD, especially when four in ten Canadians report they intend to purchase a HDTV in the next six months.
“This research shows that despite programme providers and cable operators investing millions of dollars in creating and distributing HDTV programming, many consumers are not fully enjoying the picture-like quality that High Definition signals offer. As today’s consumers are increasingly demanding in the quality of the programs that BDUs offer, Cable Operators will need to optimize their HDTV service offerings to meet these current and growing needs.” said Aivy Reinfelds, President of CTAM Canada.