YahLive Olympic coverage
February 20, 2012
YahLive has allocated both satellite capacity and a number of HD channels to provide broadcasters with connectivity and service, from London to the Middle East, to facilitate TV coverage of the forthcoming London 2012 Olympics.
Collaborating with its European strategic partners, YahLive will provide local connections and uplink facilities, including DVB/S2 MPGE4 encoding for satellite broadcasting services to the Middle East via YahLive’s Y1A satellite.
“Limited capacity and end-to-end HD service solutions are now available. We, therefore, invite customers to meet YahLive at CABSAT, the Middle East’s largest digital media and satellite expo, to develop a custom designed solution, tailored for their precise needs” said Eddy Frankland, CCO of YahLive.
“Our orbital location of 52.5E, provides an ideal line of sight for direct reception within the MENA region. Using YahLive’s unique connectivity, broadcasters can transmit their Olympics TV coverage on a demand basis or HD channel on a 24/7 basis for the duration of the Olympic Games” added Frankland.