Yahcarrier IP service from Yahsat
February 28, 2012
From Nick Snow in Dubai
Yahsat has revealed it is launching a new dedicated business service, Yahsat Carrier, the region’s first Ka-band IP trunking solution. The UAE based operator says the new service will provide telcos throughout the Middle East with reliable ‘always on’ availability for supporting Internet data backhaul for underserved areas.
The operator also announced a new partnership with Belgium’s Newtec which will provide the ground segment for the new service using its FlexACM technology.
“[The service] will be the first cost-effective IP Trunking service on Ka-band for carriers in 28 countries; providing a reliable back-up option for load balancing IP traffic through our satellites. Our agreement with Newtec will help further maximize a variety of services to enable the best possible service to our clients,” said Tareq Abdul Raheem Al Hosani, CEO of Yahsat.
Speaking at CABSAT MENA in Dubai Serge van Herck, CEO of Newtec said: “Yahsat will use the full set of FelxACM enabled Newtec elevation products that provide state-of-the-art traffic enhancement, compression and protection capabilities for IP services.”