Verimatrix protects Chunghwa Telecom
March 19, 2012
Verimatrix has announced that its Video Content Authority (VCAS) 3 solutions have been selected for the IPTV and multi-screen upgrade at Taiwan’s largest telecom operator, Chunghwa Telecom. Ericsson announced its selection by Chunghwa to lead the deployment of this significant upgrade, with Verimatrix solutions addressing all aspects of content protection and revenue security for the project.
“Chunghwa Telecom represents a significant upgrade in the video industry as it marks a major network transition to offer more advanced multi-screen video services,” said Steve Oetegenn, chief sales and marketing officer for Verimatrix. “We are seeing other top-tier IPTV, satellite and cable operators also evaluating their network migration strategies in order to stay competitive in this new world of pay TV. Verimatrix is focused on helping these services providers implement a flexible rights management strategy across a combination of managed and unmanaged video delivery networks.”