Added Values stand 285 at IPTV World Forum 2012
March 22, 2012
The Arab ethnicity and its direct correlation with Islam represent a very large community located in the Arab and Muslim world with a wide spread in Europe and America and Australasia.
New Media content for this community deserves to be out of shade, looked upon and should constitute our present focus. Technologies in the new media sector and the multiple platforms and devices availed to the user entail specific efforts since the classical approach of providing a universal content with slight local features does not fill the thirst of emigrants and expatriates in each country. Ethnic content is best valued by its reflection of their native country trends and dialects with a belonging dimension.
Our company Added Values with its rich library of 100,000 hours of audiovisual clips targeting the Arab and Moslem community worldwide witnessed though its microscopic approach an overwhelming response from the audience in the region. Localised content, tinted with local flavorings, accommodating all users’ tastes. Religious, social, political, cultural and national occasions and events were the core of content concepts and creations.
Added Values participation in this International event gathering most of IPTV players in Europe and beyond, aims at connecting with those networks to provide authentic localized content to the international Diaspora and respond to the fast growing globalisation outcomes by opening the doors to potential synergies for partnerships in maximising this huge untapped potential.