Top 5 YouTube channels drive 1.5bn monthly streams
June 26, 2012
May 2012 marked the first month that Nielsen has publicly reported streaming measurement on thousands of YouTube partners. The top five YouTube Partner channels, led by Vevo, Warner Music Group, Maker, Fullscreen and Machinima, combined for nearly 1.5 billion total streams.
To put this into context, YouTube continues to be the top online video destination in the US with over 136 million unique viewers who streamed 16 billion videos during May 2012.
More insights about the top five YouTube Partners:
– About 1 in 6 Americans who watched online video during May 2012 streamed video on the WMG YouTube channel (almost 23 million unique viewers).
– Vevo led the top five partners in total streams (695 million), while Machinima averaged the most streams per viewer, 24 in May 2012.
– Machinima also captured the highest composition of male viewers (62.6 per cent), while others hovered closer to a 50/50 female/male split.
– Fullscreen and Vevo skewed toward a slightly older demographic, as 15.3 and 15.7 per cent of their viewers are 50 years or older, respectively.
– Maker drew 9.7 million unique viewers who averaged nearly ten streams per viewer.