C4 Windows 8 app
December 17, 2012
Channel 4 has become the first UK broadcaster to launch a VoD app for Windows 8. In a supporting advertising package Windows 8 and 4oD co-branded idents will pre-roll across every platform. Co-branded TV ads will also run across the Channel 4 portfolio.
Sarah Rose, director of commercial & business development at Channel 4 said: “This exciting collaboration has seen various teams at Channel 4 and other key stakeholders work closely together to deliver something that not only showcases our leading commercial VoD platform on Windows 8, but also Channel 4′s ability to deliver a complete pioneering commercial solution.”
“We’re very excited to be working with Microsoft, a strong global brand which aligns perfectly with Channel 4’s engaged ABC1 16 to 34 audience,” said Channel 4 group digital manager Michael McSharry. “It demonstrates how we can work with clients collaboratively to create something that is new to market, bespoke and one that utilises all our 4oD platforms as well as linking in to relevant content on Channel 4 to provide a fully integrated cross media brand experience.”