ANGA COM 2013 releases congress agenda:
March 4, 2013
ANGA COM – Exhibition and Congress for Broadband, Cable & Satellite has released its congress agenda. It consists of 4 top-class industry summits and 18 strategy and technology panels. 10 panels will be held in English. ANGA COM will take place from 4 to 6 June 2013 in Cologne/Germany.
ANGA´s Managing Director Dr. Peter Charissé: “ANGA COM is more than ever a broadband show as well as a media congress. We bring together network operators, content providers and vendors on an international B2B platform. Besides our traditional key topics Next Generation Networks and Content Delivery, this year Smart TV, Multiscreen and Connected Home are very high on our agenda. We particularly thank our numerous partner associations of the ITC, broadband and media industry for their support.”
Amongst the partner associations for this year’s ANGA COM are the SCTE UK, the DVB Consortium, Cable Europe and the NCTA with its US Cable Show. German partners are the BITKOM Association for the Connected Home Special, the VATM Association, the German TV Platform and the Sports Media Summit held on the 5 June as well in Cologne.
The International Technology Summit this year has the headline “Fibre vs. LTE – Potentials and Borderlines” and deals with the competition between fixed and wireless networks. Speakers include Nick Fielibert (Cisco), Lorenz Glatz (Kabel Deutschland), Daniel Howard (SCTE USA), Bruce McClelland (Arris), Jørgen Michaelsen (YouSee), Hanno Narjus (Teleste) and Dr. Giles Wilson (Ericsson).
The TV Summit kicks off the German congress track and stands under the title “Networks and Content: Who pays the Bill?”.The network operators will be represented by Dr. Adrian von Hammerstein (Kabel Deutschland) and Dietmar Schickel (Tele Columbus). For the public broadcasters will participate Prof. Dr. Karola Wille (MDR) and Dr. Andreas Bereczky (ZDF). The private TV sector will be represented by Brian Sullivan (Sky Deutschland) and Conrad Albert (ProSiebenSat.1 Media).
The Broadband Summit focuses on the question “Growing Bandwidths, falling Prices: With how much Competition can a Market cope?”.Speakers areWilhelm Dresselhaus (Alcatel-Lucent), Jean-François Leprince-Ringuet (Eutelsat), Lutz Schüler (Unitymedia KabelBW), Theo Weirich (, Dr. Dirk Wössner (Telekom Deutschland) and Dr. Iris Henseler-Unger (Vice President of the Federal Network Agency).
Amongst the speakers of the Connected Home Summit on the third day will be: Dirk Brameier (EWE TEL), Thomas Braun (ANGA Association), Christian P. Illek (Microsoft), Jens Redmer (Google), Dr. André Schneider (Samsung), Volker Smid (Hewlett Packard and Vice President BITKOM Association) and Martin Wiegmann (Cisco). The Connected Home Special is organized in cooperation with the Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media (BITKOM).