Agama Technologies – TV Connect 2013 preview
March 8, 2013
At TV Connect 2013, Agama Technologies, the video service quality assurance experts, will present cutting edge business supporting services QA for IP, cable and OTT video. At stand 179, Agama will showcase live end-to-end monitoring set-ups for video distribution, including for multiplatform and multiscreen environments. Visitors can preview the upcoming Version 4.4 of the Agama DTV Monitoring Solution, with all its latest developments and additions.
The Agama DTV Monitoring Solution is a telco-grade solution for continuous, real-time monitoring and QA of all forms of video delivery, enabling a rapid and cost-effective TV service growth with high customer satisfaction. Trusted by TV operators worldwide, the solution provides a rich understanding of service quality – from pixel level in the head-end to what is actually experienced by each individual viewer – allowing for systematic improvements of service quality and customer satisfaction, all whilst lowering OPEX and reducing churn.
NEW at TV Connect 2013
Agama launches the next generation of Analyzer OTT
As a result of numerous commercial deployments and after thorough evaluations over the last year, Agama’s Analyzer OTT has proven to be the industry’s most sophisticated quality assurance probe with leading capacity for fully automated QoS/QoE monitoring and testing of over-the-top video services. It enables operators to ensure that their adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming services are always available with the right quality to keep customers satisfied.
Product highlights include;
Depth and breadth of analysis with high concurrent capacity
Covering everything from manifests, playlists and segments through the video layer, the Analyzer OTT combines detailed metrics on the whole ABR stack with analysis capacity for hundreds of concurrent streams down to the TS layer.
Transparency for the operator
Analyzer OTT creates transparency and situational awareness for the operator on all relevant QoE and QoS metrics for assets and their profiles by visualizing current real-time status as well as showing metrics over time. The intuitive GUI supports presentation and analysis of monitoring information in multiple dimensions, such as metrics per profile, per asset and per edge-cache.
Part of a complete end-to-end solution
By combining monitoring in multiple points and covering head-end, OTT origin and edge cache locations, and optionally with metrics collected from end-customer media players and devices, an operator can gain full
understanding of the delivered service quality. This includes having the information needed to proactively and effectively triangulate errors, analyse problem impact, correct issues, and follow up on Service Level Agreements (SLAs).
At TV Connect 2013 Agama will launch the next generation of Analyzer OTT that, in addition to the analysis described above for different ABR formats, supports advanced content level analysis for Apple HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) streams. Based on Agama’s state-of-the-art analysis engine, this enables in-depth verification of the actual video data and visual confidence monitoring in the form of thumbnails – a relevant new possibility for any HLS based OTT head-end.
Additionally, Agama strengthens the Analyzer’s integration towards the central management system, Agama Enterprise Server. It allows service quality for an asset to be efficiently compared between head-end and multiple points in the delivery network, and it is possible to expand an asset in its different profiles for thorough troubleshooting and analysis.
Agama Analyzer NET 10G-500
At TV Connect 2013 Agama launches Analyzer NET 10G-500, a new product for high-capacity, cost-efficient monitoring of linear TV, targeted at operators with larger service offerings and many HD channels. Already validated in commercial deployments, the new monitoring probe supports monitoring on a fully loaded 10 Gigabit network with up to 500 separate services concurrently monitored, all with full analysis on the IP, RTP and the transport stream layer, including TR290 Priority 1 and Priority 2 parameters.
Version 4.4 of Agama DTV Monitoring Solution
In addition to the highlights already presented, Agama is pleased to showcase upcoming Version 4.4 at TV Connect 2013, with enhancements across the complete product suite of the Agama DTV Monitoring Solution. The product line includes powerful head-end and network probes as well as embedded monitoring for STBs, gateways and media players. Top-level end-to-end views in the management systems make it possible to follow the QoE and QoS for services all the way from creation in the head-end to consumption for each individual viewer as well as for groups of viewers. This allows operators to quickly identify, pinpoint, prioritize, resolve and prevent disturbances affecting the customers’ experience, satisfaction and loyalty.
In version 4.4 Agama introduces highly improved problem triangulation and correlation features, making it easier to compare both service quality (QoE) and active alarms between Analyzers and CPE monitoring information. News in v4.4 also include several workflow and presentation refinements, enhanced Performance Management reporting capabilities with increased flexibility, new role-based dashboard widgets for at-a-glance status overviews in both Analyzers and Enterprise Servers, and much more.
Agama leads the Service Quality Management conference track at TV Connect 2013
At the TV Connect 2013 conference Agama will be joining eircom, BskyB, Stofa, GO, and other service providers and technology vendors as part of the Service Quality Management focus stream being held on March 20, covering strategies, approaches and technologies for managing service quality and customer satisfaction in an ever-evolving TV service delivery environment. The conference stream starts at 11.30 and is divided into three sessions; ‘Managing quality and improving service experience’, ‘Enhancing the multiplatform experience’, and ‘Satisfying the connected consumer’. Agama’s CEO, Mikael Dahlgren, will be giving the opening presentation at 11.40.