Austin is second Google wired city
April 10, 2013
Google has announced that Austin, Texas, will be its next fibre city, with the first homes connected to the 1Gbps service by mid-2014. Google has been offering gigabit internet and a 200-channel TV package in Kansas City since November 2012, in its first FTTH network project. The same services will be offered in Austin, at similar prices.
Customers who pay an upfront fee to be connected will receive at least 5Mbps service free for seven years. Universities, schools, hospitals and public institutions will be connected to gigabit Ethernet at no charge.
On the same day, Texas-based AT&T announced that it would build a 1Gbps fibre network in Austin as part of its previously announced Project VIP expansion. AT&T expects that its expanded fibre plans in Austin will be granted the same terms and conditions as Google on issues such as geographic scope of offerings, rights of way, permitting, state licences and any investment incentives.