OIPF publishes HTML5 profile for connected TV
June 4, 2013
The Open IPTV Forum (OIPF) has published a profile of HTML5, CSS, DOM3 and other related web technologies aimed at connected TV services and devices that implement a browser-based application environment. It describes a common profile based on the latest, stable web technologies defined by the W3C that are expected to be implemented by connected TV manufacturers and can be relied on by application developers, and content and service providers for the creation of rich HTML5 applications. The profile avoids extensions or modifications to any of the referenced W3C technologies, but defines a subset of those specifications that have achieved a high degree of stability. The functionality chosen is specifically targeted to support interoperability between entertainment services and connected TVs.
Jon Piesing of TP Vision, the technical lead of the group that created this specification, says: “Web standards have moved on since the first version of our specification was published in 2009. This work represents a broad update of our browser specification to be based on the new generation of Web specifications, not just HTML5 but also CSS3, DOM3 and a variety of other related technologies. This update should enable apps and services for connected TVs to be developed relying on the presence of a coherent and consistent set of up-to-date technologies. It should make it easier to re-use tools and libraries developed for the web when developing for connected TVs.”