Only 5% of Spaniards pay for VoD and PPV
June 11, 2013
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Just 5 per cent of Spanish pay TV homes acquires VoD and PPV services – with an average expenditure of €2.50 per home a month.
The latest report from the CMT, the Telecommunications Market Commisison, reveals that 95 per cent of pay TV homes does not use VoD and PPV services at all. In Spain, the pay-TV market has a penetration rate of 23.5 per cent, with the highest expansion in cities with 200,000 to 500,000 inhabitants where the average penetration reaches 30.6 per cent, whereas in other cities under 10,000 inhabitants the rate is 14.7 per cent.
The main reason why Spaniards do not subscribe to a pay-TV service is because free-to-air TV is enough, accoring to 75.5 per cent of respondents surveyed for the report. Pay TV being too expensive was the second most popular reason (with 38.1 per cent). On average, the ARPU is €38.6 a month.