Belarus bans satellite dishes
June 17, 2013
By Chris Forrester
Belarus has banned satellite dishes on apartment blocks and city buildings. A letter was sent out last week to citizens of its capital city Minsk, reminding them that in accordance with a ruling of May 16th and adopted by the Council of Ministers individual are forbidden to install satellite equipment. A fine of up to 1.5 million Roubles may be levied.
The letter says (translated): “In order to install a satellite dish, a citizen (legal person) must address local authorities for permission and develop project documentation. Unauthorised installation of usual antennas and satellite dishes is now forbidden. If an antenna was installed before, permission for it must be obtained from a municipality. If the municipality refuses, the antenna will have to be removed and the building’s roof or facade put in the initial condition at citizen’s own expence.”
There is a separate article in the Administrative Code “Violation of an architectural project of a building or construction”. According to the article, the fine of 200 thousand – 1.5 million roubles is provided for unauthorised installation of satellite or any other antennas on facades, balconies, loggias or roofs.
Local estimates suggest that Belarus has around 500,000 dishes, and the number is growing.