TiVo and comScore solution for P&G
November 1, 2013
TiVo Research and Analytics (TRA), a provider of single-source TV viewing and purchase data, and comScore, a specialist in measuring the digital world, have partnered for a deal with the Procter & Gamble as its single-source cross-media measurement solution. The agreement covers P&G’s US media spend for TV and digital.
An industry first, this largest single-source cross-media solution anonymously matches media exposure from millions of households (TV, online video and banners) with actual purchase behaviour from those same households.
“Single source data has proven to be the gold standard for media planning and measurement,” said Lauren Hoenig, P&G’s North America Media leader. “Through this deal, P&G will have access to TRA’s Media TRAnalytics Platform as well as TRA and comScore’s data rich single-source cross-media solution. This will enable more effective planning, tracking and measuring of our ads across platforms, which in turn, will drive effectiveness and efficiency.”