Mediaset Premium pay-TV revenues hit €410m
November 13, 2013
From Branislav Pekic in Rome
Italian commercial broadcaster Mediaset ended the first nine months of 2013 with net revenues of €2.39 billion and EBIT of €109.6 million.
The results, approved by the Board of Directors, also show that pay-TV revenues from the Mediaset Premium service rose 7.3 per cent to €410.3 million, compared with €382.4 million in the first nine months of 2012. This figure includes card sales, re-charges, and Easy Pay subscriptions.
The forecast is that Mediaset will reach the target of the three-year plan 2012-2014 a year ahead of schedule, improving by more than €50 million total savings since 2011, compared with the €450 million foreseen by the original plan.