Bouygues Telecom deploys Broadpeak servers
December 11, 2013
Broadpeak, a provider of CDN technologies and vVoD servers for cable, IPTV, OTT, and hybrid TV operators worldwide, has announced that Bouygues Telecom, the French telecommunications provider, has deployed Broadpeak’s BkE100 Live RTP retry servers to manage its IPTV service on Bbox Sensation premium STBs. Relying on the high-performance network servers, Bouygues Telecom can support packet loss recovery for live content on a variety of STBs, improving the quality of experience (QoE) for subscribers.
“Visual defects caused by packet loss are unacceptable for a premium IPTV multiscreen service,” said Thibaut Keraval, who is responsible for IPTV/OTT platforms at Bouygues Telecom. “Through standards-based communication protocols, Broadpeak’s BkE100 servers eliminate visual problems like macro-blocks and frozen frames, increasing our customer satisfaction.”
When packet loss is detected, the STB requests a retransmission of the missing packets according to RTP retry standards. Broadpeak’s BkE100 server ensures missing packets are recovered before the decoding process begins, eliminating audio and video signal impairments.