Netflix plans US cable STB integrations
April 22, 2014
By Colin Mann
In addition to voicing its opposition to the proposed Comcast-Time Warner Cable merger, Netflix has revealed that it plans to build on its successful integrations with European cable operators by launching its first US cable tie-ins.
In its earnings letter to shareholders announcing its Q1 results, the company said it remained “very happy” with the customer embrace of its MVPD (multichannel video programming distributor) set-top box integrations in Europe. “This quarter we will launch the first MVPD integrations in the US. As we did in Europe, we will start with US MVPDs that use the TiVo set-top box and try to extend to non-TiVo devices after that. From an MVPD point-of-view, they would rather have consumers use Netflix through the MVPD box and remote control than have consumers become accustomed to watching video from a smart TV or Internet TV device remote control,” it added.
Of the three European Netflix deployments, The first two, Virgin Media in the UK and Com Hem in Sweden access Netflix via TiVo STBs; the Waoo! solution in Denmark has been developed in collaboration with AirTies.