Jose Mourinho joins Yahoo social marketing campaign
May 6, 2014
Yahoo is launching its biggest global social campaign to date, running across a whopping 20 markets (from USA to Hong Kong to Argentina), to find the next budding footballer to dub ‘The Special One’.
Fronted by Yahoo’s global football ambassador, Jose Mourinho, The #Special1s is a worldwide competition housed completely on Tumblr. We’ll be inviting the public to submit a 10 second video of their best footballing skill for the chance to win a training session with The Special One himself.
Users can enter either through the #Special1s Tumblr page or with the hashtag #Special1s via Flickr, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vine and Tumblr of course. Once you’ve entered, you’ll get your video back with a reaction we’ve pre-filmed from Jose- a shake of the head, or a nod of respect or many others- ideal for everyone to share on their social profile.
Jose himself will also be taking to twitter later in the campaign to answer fans’ questions in a twitter takeover and Yahoo is the only place to find Jose’s insight and opinion throughout the World Cup.
Robert Bridge, VP Head of International Marketing said: “Football is a daily obsession for millions of us around the world. We wanted to capture that passion and create moments that are highly shareable and give fans the chance to get closer to Jose Mourinho though the Yahoo platform.”