Virgin TV Anywhere up 38% for EPL climax
May 13, 2014
Virgin Media has revealed how sports fans turned to Virgin TV Anywhere in droves to follow the final day of the Premier League on multiple screens during one of the busiest weekends of the sporting calendar.
Virgin Media saw a 38 per cent increase in people using the service, which allows customers to watch different TV channels at the same time. The number of viewers peaked at 3.30pm, when the first of Manchester City’s two goals was scored. Sky Sports 1 and Sky Sports 2 were the most-watched channels online, accounting for around 50 per cent of all viewing online and more than a quarter of all content viewed on the Virgin TV Anywhere service.
As families turned to their TVs and web devices for entertainment, sports fans in Virgin Media homes were treated to four channels of live football alongside live coverage of the Giro D’Italia cycling and the Spanish F1 Grand Prix. Available through their TiVo boxes, laptops, tablets and smartphones thanks to Virgin Media’s superfast fibre network, sports fans could keep up with the action no matter who was in control of the remote.
Sky Sports 1 was by far and away the most-watched channel that day, accounting for 44 per cent of all viewing online and 20 per cent of all content viewed on the Virgin TV Anywhere service.