Motive TV: New patent application in the US extending Tablet TV app
May 14, 2014
As stated in the announcement dated 20 March 2013, a patent application was filed by the Company in the United States covering certain aspects of the Tablet TV technology being developed by Motive Television. In that announcement it was stated that the expectation was that the single application would be split into multiple applications. This process has now started and it is expected that at least 3 separate applications will be progressed over the next few months. These new split applications will cover inventions related to the reception device, usability and Datacasting.
Additionally, the Company is pleased to announce that a new patent application has been filed in the United States this week. This new application was filed as a “continuation-in-part” of the existing application, which allows for wider coverage and discloses further enhancements to the use of Datacasting for portable devices and beyond. In particular the application discusses ways to deliver content to viewing devices with or without built-in storage at improved speeds using Motive’s Datacasting technology.
At the same time, the Tablet TV patent application is progressing worldwide using a mechanism called the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). The next stage at the end of the PCT phase will determine the specific countries of coverage. As for the US application, it is expected that the single application will be split at that time into at least 3 patent applications.
Leonard M Fertig, CEO of Motive Television plc, commented, “While the details of Motive’s new inventions must be kept confidential for competitive reasons, it is important for shareholders to be aware that the Company continues to develop and extend its ground-breaking technology and protects it through patent filings that will extend worldwide. Motive has been a leading-edge innovator in developing solutions that enable the television industry to offer revenue-enhancing and efficient services to viewers. The Company has continued to be a step ahead and is now achieving high levels of interest and recognition among the international TV industry.”