Mobile Video Alliance launched by Vaizey
May 20, 2014
Equinix, the global interconnection and data centre company, has announced that the Mobile Video Alliance [MVA], established in 2013 by Equinix and mobile operator EE, has been officially launched under the auspices of the DTG by Ed Vaizey MP, UK Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries at the DTG Summit.
The MVA will tackle video quality over wireless and mobile networks; fragmentation in the value chain, and a range of technical issues such as the evolution of caching and adaptive bit rates. The initiative comes at a critical time for both the broadcast and mobile industries, as mobile data traffic explodes in response to rapidly increasing demand for video content from consumers, supported by next generation Wi-Fi and 4G mobile data networks. To facilitate developments for mobile operators and content owners, Equinix is making its recently launched Solution Validation Centre available to MVA members to test new standards and configurations.
“Our data centres are where content physically connects to networks. This makes us a vital interconnection platform for mobile video delivery and we are committed to encouraging and enabling the mobile video ecosystem,” said Michael Winterson, VP Sales and Marketing, Equinix EMEA.