iPlayer tablet requests outnumber PCs
June 4, 2014
TV and radio requests to BBC iPlayer were up 4 per cent year-on-year, with average daily requests at 8.9 million though April 2014.
For the first time, TV requests from tablets contributed a higher proportion of requests (30 per cent) than computers (28 per cent). Mobiles and tablets combined contributed almost half of all TV requests to BBC iPlayer.
EastEnders proved extremely popular on BBC iPlayer throughout April, making up 16 of the top 20 iPlayer TV programmes – boosted by the Lucy Beale murder storyline.
The profile of BBC iPlayer users has evened out over time in terms of male/female ratio, but remains strongly under-55 in terms of age, which is younger than the typical TV viewer or radio listener’s profile (although more in line with home broadband users).
Figures show the iPlayer is used for TV at roughly the same time of day as linear TV viewing, although there is proportionally more daytime and late-peak use. For radio, iPlayer is used far more in daytime than traditional radio listening, which peaks at breakfast-time.