Horizon Go app for upc cablecom customers
July 16, 2014
Since last year, upc cablecom’s TV customers have been able to watch TV on mobile Apple devices while out and about using the free Horizon TV apps. Now, the subsidiary of Liberty Global is launching a version for Android devices while also introducing a new design. For customers with Apple devices, there will now be one single app – irrespective of the subscription with upc cablecom.
With the ‘Horizon Go’ app, customers with a supplementary TV subscription from upc cablecom can watch TV and films on their smartphone or tablet while out and about using WiFi and 3G/4G. The new version of the app is already available free of charge in the Apple Store or Google Play Store. With this launch, the user interface has also been revised and simplified. Customers can choose from a range of up to 108 TV channels and more than 2,000 Video on Demand films. In addition to the apps, the same TV channels and films can also be viewed online.