Mixed fortunes for Spain broadcasters
July 24, 2014
From David Del Valle in Madrid
Spain’s two leading TV groups Mediaset and Atresmedia had mixed results for the first half of the year with ad revenues recovering.
Mediaset’s net profits were down nearly 29 per cent to €21.4 million over the same period last year. However, Atresmedia’s profits grew by 30 per cent to €37.7 million.
Mediaset’s ad revenues increased to 6.2 per cent to €414 million, with the company that operates six channels enjoying an ad market share of 44.3 per cent.
Atresmedia, with 4 TV channels, managed to increase its audience to 28.8 per cent. Overall, the TV ad market grew by 5.7 per cent to June, according to Infoadex.